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Talk Topics

Emily’s testimony of how God revealed Theology of the Body to her, by first wooing her heart to His.  ​



Learn how to open yourself to God’s abundant blessings, through the good times and bad. 




Discover God’s beautiful design for romantic relationships and sex.



A celebration of human life and heavenly Love.



How to raise kids in a sex-crazed world.




How to embrace, survive and even thrive with a child with medical needs.



Discover the secret to a resilient marriage.




Rediscover the profoundly positive impact you can have on your patients and their families.





A PERSONAL WITNESS TO HIS PASSIONATE PURSUIT:  Emily’s testimony of how God revealed Theology of the Body to her, by first wooing her heart to His. 


Emily shares her deeply personal story of how God drew her heart to His through Theology of the Body lived out. Let’s just say she did things a bit backwards. Through many trials, sins, reconciliation and healing, God revealed many Theology of the Body truths to her, long before she knew Pope John Paul II’s teachings. As she came to learn about Theology of the Body, Emily discovered language to what she already knew in her heart - that our bodies make visible God’s eternal exchange of Love in which we are created to participate. Journey with Emily through her witness to:


  • Discover the truths about your own body, your desires, sex, love and God,

  • Burn with a renewed desire to pursue the incredible intimacy God created you for, and to settle for nothing less,

  • Be invited to dig deeper into Theology of the Body, applying the profound and life-changing truths to your own life,

  • And ultimately, grow deeper in love with our Lord, Jesus Christ.


This talk provides a great entryway into learning the life-changing truths of Theology of the Body, and is meant to ignite a flame within you to learn more, go deeper, and share your growing faith with others. 

*Primary Audiences: pre-cana marriage prep events, marriage enrichment events, PSR, youth groups, Life-teen, teen retreats, parents groups, mom’s groups, adult women’s events, teachers, RCIA


NAKED & UNASHAMED: THE TRUTH ABOUT GOD AND SEX:  Discover God’s beautiful design for romantic relationships and sex.


When God created male and female, blessed them and said be fruitful and multiply, He had an incredibly beautiful design in mind for romantic relationships and sex. In this session we will:


  • Unpack His purpose and plan for sexual intimacy, 

  • Learn the ‘why’ behind the Catholic Church’s teachings regarding topics such as marriage, natural family planning and even the Eucharist.

  • Set our hearts on fire for pursuing the incredible intimacy God created us for,

  • And learn how to love like Jesus loves - freely, totally, faithfully and fruitfully. 


This session provides a broad overview of Theology of the Body, and invites us to learn more about Pope John Paul II’s life-changing teachings.


*Primary Audiences: pre-cana marriage prep events, marriage enrichment events, PSR, youth groups, Life-teen, teen retreats, parent’s groups, mom’s groups, adult women’s events, RCIA, mom's groups, women's groups


RAISING DAUGHTERS OF DIGNITY AND SONS OF HONOR:  How to raise kids in a sex-crazed world.


Every parent wants the best for their child. Every parent wants their child to know their own value and dignity. Every parent wants their child to treat others and be treated with that same dignity and honor. It can be scary raising kids in this self-centered and sex-crazed world we live. But in our faith, we find hope. In this session, parents will find renewed energy, guidance and support while learning:


  • God’s incredible design behind creating us male and female in His image and likeness, and specifically His design for sex,

  • How to apply this teaching in our everyday parenting,

  • Practical tips to help your children understand their own body’s value and how to respect others’ as well,

  • How to turn ‘the talk’ into an age-appropriate, ongoing dialogue.


No matter their age, it’s never too late to embrace these foundational truths in our parenting and help our children find their true identity as daughters of dignity and sons of honor. This session provides everyday, practical parenting application of Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body teachings.


*Primary Audiences: parents groups, mom’s groups, dad’s groups, continued marriage enrichment events, adult women’s events, adult men’s events


ROOTED IN FAITH:  Discover the secret to a resilient marriage.


When we say ‘I do,’ we are filled with hope for our future together as a married couple. When storms come, as they surely do, the strength of our relationship is tested. In this session, you will learn how to root your marriage in a bedrock foundation of faith which can sustain your relationship through even the toughest of storms. Whether currently single and aspiring to be married, engaged or you’ve been married for more than fifty years, it’s never too early or late to strengthen the foundation of your marriage. In this session you will:


  • Learn the secret to a strong marriage,

  • Discover practical techniques to keep God central, 

  • Explore the gift of the Catholic Church and Her support for your marriage. 


*Primary Audiences: pre-cana and marriage prep events, continued marriage enrichment events, singles events, RCIA, Catholics coming home gropus


BLESSED ARE THEY:  Learn how to open yourself to God’s abundant blessings, through the good times and bad.


‘They will be satisfied,’ Jesus promises (Matthew 5:2-6). Through sharing her daughter’s journey of many medical trials, countless surgeries and miraculous healing, Emily brings the Beatitudes to life with relatable examples and hope-filled stories. She will encourage you to continually grow in intimate relationship with God by:


  • Recognizing and receiving His gifts with open hands,

  • Accepting God’s will is often not your own,

  • Learning how to be real, raw and exposed to our loving God,

  • And, boldly asking God for your every need, waiting in hopeful expectation for His provision.

*Primary Audiences: parents groups, mom’s groups, dad’s groups, adult women’s events, adult men’s events, parents of NICU babies, parents with prenatal diagnosis, parents with any child with medical or special needs, RCIA, PSR, youth groups, confirmation classes, Life-teen, teen retreats


IN THE IMAGE OF GOD HE CREATED THEM​:  A celebration of human life and heavenly Love.


After a shocking prenatal diagnosis and a series of immense medical battles with her first-born, Emily shares how she and her family learned first-hand the value and dignity of human life. In this session, you will:


  • Grow in understanding of what it means to be made in the image and likeness of God, and recognize that truth in yourself and others,

  • Reenergize your zeal for protecting life and for recognizing each person, born and unborn, as God’s treasured son or daughter,

  • And, explore ways you can personally embrace a pro-life lifestyle, helping reverse the culture of death, through faith and love. 


*Primary audiences: expecting parents, pro-life or sanctity of life events, pre-cana and marriage prep events, continued marriage enrichment events, mom’s groups, dad’s groups, adult women’s events, adult men’s events, healthcare professional events, PSR, youth groups, Life-teen, teen retreats


SO, YOUR CHILD IS DIAGNOSED WITH A MAJOR MEDICAL CONDITION. NOW WHAT?​How to embrace, survive and even thrive with a child with medical needs.


Navigating life when your child has a major medical diagnosis can be lonely, scary and confusing. You’re not alone. Through sharing her daughter’s shocking diagnosis, journey through many medical trials, countless surgeries and miraculous healing, Emily will:


  • Provide encouragement for moms and dads who find themselves navigating parenthood with a medical child,

  • Teach practical ways to navigate the medical system,

  • Arm parents with practical survival tips such as how to accept help, communicate with family and friends, navigate the wide array of inevitable emotions, and so much more, 

  • And, explore Jesus’ love, hope and healing He extends to each of us. 


*Primary Audiences: parents of NICU babies, parents with prenatal diagnosis, parents with any child with medical or special needs, diagnosis support groups, mom's groups, marriage enrichment events


COMPASSIONATE CARE​:  Rediscover the profoundly positive impact you can have on your patients and their families.


Working on the front lines of healthcare, you have a unique opportunity to minister to your patients and their families at their most vulnerable time. Through sharing her daughter’s journey of many medical trials, countless surgeries and miraculous healing, Emily explores real-life ways to bring your faith to work. Through relatable examples and hope-filled stories, Emily will:


  • Encourage you in your vocation as a healthcare provider,

  • Equip you with examples and techniques to provide compassionate care for your patients, 

  • Renew your zeal for your career and re-energize you to love your patients like Jesus’ loves.


*Primary Audience: healthcare professional events, continuing education courses, medical professional classes, diagnosis support groups

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